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The latter half of the 20th century is represented by the likes of Diane Arbus, Robert Mapplethorpe and Herb Ritts, and contemporary artists Chuck Close, Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, and Mona Kuhn.

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More still are the work of 20th-century artists Man Ray, Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Weston, as well as innovative photographers Bill Brandt, Harry Callahan, and Minor White. One especially lovely effort is Felix Jacques Moulin's 1856 nude which, with her knowing glance and draped couch, nods firmly to Manet's Olympia. Some of the most beautiful date from the early days of the art form, with 19th century masters such as Julia Margaret Cameron, Edgar Degas and Thomas Eakins combining the new technology with classical composition. When, in 1839, Louis Daguerre invented the first practical method of fixing photographs, the stage was set for a new type of artwork - the photographic nude. Musical: Man Ray's 1924 Le Violen d'Ingres is one of the most famous nude photographs ever taken

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